FC 20 In Death Lamented with Sarah Nehama

Following are some items that were mentioned during the 3 January 2013 Fieldstone Common interview with Sarah Nehama, author of In Death Lamented: The Tradition of Anglo-American Mourning Jewelry.

You can learn more about Sarah Nehama and her jewelery business from her web page. You can also follow her on Twitter.

The book In Death Lamented: The Tradition of Anglo-American Mourning Jewelry is available for purchase from the Amazon.com.

In addition to being a book, In Death Lamented is an exhibit at the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston, Massachusetts. The exhibit is available for viewing through January 31, 2013. It is well worth the visit!

The Massachusetts Historical Society, the publisher of In Death Lamented, donated two copies of the book that were given as “door prizes” during the live show. One copy went to a listener in Massachusetts and the other to a listener in Virginia. A big thank you to the Massachusetts Historical Society for  their generosity!

Fieldstone Common’s sponsor is Houstory, makers of the Home History Book and the Heirloom Registry. Fieldstone Common listeners can take 15 % off their Heirloom Registry order by visiting the Heirloom Registry at www.heirloomregistry.com, and entering FIELDSTONE – in all caps – at checkout.

Fieldstone Common greatly appreciates the support of Houstory as a sponsor. Show your support for Fieldstone Common by visiting our sponsor’s site.

Copyright 2012-2022 Marian Pierre-Louis

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