FC 99 Monuments Man Deane Keller with Laura Macaluso
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FC 99 Monuments Man Deane Keller with Laura Macaluso

This week on Fieldstone Common our featured guest is Laura Macaulso, curator of “An Artist at War: Deane Keller, New Haven’s Monuments Man,” an exhibit at the New Haven Museum in New Haven, Connecticut. This week’s discussion is a little different because we are not speaking about a particular book. Instead we are talking with…

FC 97 An Extraordinary Family with Liz Petry
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FC 97 An Extraordinary Family with Liz Petry

This week on Fieldstone Common our featured guest is author Liz Petry. This week’s discussion is a little different because we are not speaking about a particular book. Instead we are talking with Liz about her inspirational and extraordinary family which include two of the first licensed African American Pharmacists in the state of Connecticut…

FC 95 The British Raid on Essex with Jerry Roberts
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FC 95 The British Raid on Essex with Jerry Roberts

This week on Fieldstone Common our featured guest is Jerry Roberts, the author of the book The British Raid on Essex: The Forgotten Battle of the War of 1812. This book re-introduces a part of the War of 1812 that was erased from American history. Bio – Jerry Roberts Jerry Roberts has been in the…

FC 84 – African American Connecticut Explored with Katherine Harris
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FC 84 – African American Connecticut Explored with Katherine Harris

This week on Fieldstone Common our featured guest is Dr. Katherine J. Harris, one of the main contributors to the book African American Connecticut Explored. Bio – Dr. Katherine Harris Katherine J. Harris, Ph.D. is a lecturer at Central Connecticut State University. She serves on the State Historic Preservation Council and the site selection committee…

FC 81 Through a Different Lens with Tasha Caswell
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FC 81 Through a Different Lens with Tasha Caswell

This week on Fieldstone Common our featured guest is Tasha Caswell, curator of the exhibit Through a Different Lens: Three Connecticut Women Photographers at the Connecticut Historical Society. Bio – Tasha Caswell Tasha Caswell is the Thorne-McKenna Curatorial Assistant at the Connecticut Historical Society. Since last October, she has been working to catalog and digitize…

FC 73 Becoming Tom Thumb with Eric Lehman
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FC 73 Becoming Tom Thumb with Eric Lehman

This week on Fieldstone Common our featured guest is Eric D. Lehman, author of the book Becoming Tom Thumb: Charles Stratton, P. T. Barnum, and the Dawn of American Celebrity. Bio Eric D. Lehman directs the creative writing program at the University of Bridgeport, as well as teaching both writing and literature. Although he has…

FC 70 Post Roads and Iron Horses with Richard DeLuca
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FC 70 Post Roads and Iron Horses with Richard DeLuca

This week on Fieldstone Common our featured guest is Richard DeLuca, author of the book Post Roads and Iron Horses: Transportation in Connecticut from Colonial Times to the Age of Steam. Bio Richard DeLuca earned a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree from Manhattan College in New York, and a Master of Science degree in transportation…

FC 50 Connecticut’s Indigenous Peoples with Lucianne Lavin
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FC 50 Connecticut’s Indigenous Peoples with Lucianne Lavin

Here are some items that were mentioned during the 1 August 2013 Fieldstone Common interview with Lucianne Lavin about her book Connecticut’s Indigenous Peoples: What Archeology, History, and Oral Traditions Teach Us About Their Communities and Their Cultures. You can learn more about Lucianne Lavin and her work at the Institute for American Indian Studies…

FC 32 The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle with Ava Chamberlain

FC 32 The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle with Ava Chamberlain

Following are some items that were mentioned during the 28 March 2013 Fieldstone Common interview with Ava Chamberlain, author of The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle: Marriage Murder, and Madness in the Family of Jonathan Edwards.” The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle, published by the New York University Press, is available for purchase from major books sellers online and…