
FC 32 The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle with Ava Chamberlain

The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle with Ava Chamberlain on Fieldstone CommonFollowing are some items that were mentioned during the 28 March 2013 Fieldstone Common interview with Ava Chamberlain, author of The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle: Marriage Murder, and Madness in the Family of Jonathan Edwards.”

The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle, published by the New York University Press, is available for purchase from major books sellers online and off such as Amazon.com.

The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle reconstructs the life of Elizabeth Tuttle (1645 – after 1691), the paternal grandmother of renowned American preacher, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). Despite having son and grandson who were ministers, Elizabeth and the Tuttle family were marred by divorce and murder in the family. In this book, Ava Chamberlain gives voice to Elizabeth Tuttle, much of whose history to date has been presented by the point of view of her husband, Richard Edwards.

The New York University Press, the publisher of The Notorious Elizabeth Tuttle, donated a copy of the book which was given as “door prize” during the live show to listener in Iowa. A big thank you to the New York University Press for their generosity!

Fieldstone Common’s sponsor is Houstory, makers of the Home History Book and the Heirloom Registry. Fieldstone Common listeners can take 15 % off their Heirloom Registry order by visiting the Heirloom Registry at www.heirloomregistry.com, and entering FIELDSTONE – in all caps – at checkout.

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** Read “New Service Safeguards Heirlooms’ Lore” in Antique Trader Magazine featuring Fieldstone Common sponsor The Heirloom Registry by Houstory. **

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