Introducing Fieldstone Common
For Immediate Release
20 August 2012
New Live Radio Show to feature Authors and Historians with a Passion for New England History
MILLIS, M.A. (August 20, 2012) – Professional genealogist and house historian, Marian Pierre-Louis has developed a new history and genealogy radio show called Fieldstone Common. The live 60-minute show will feature authors, historians, curators and others whose passion is to keep New England history alive. Shows will be broadcast through Blog Talk Radio ( and made available afterward via podcast.
The inaugural episode airs on Friday, August 24, 2012 at 1:00pm EDT. The show premiere will feature Paul Della Valle, author of Massachusetts Troublemakers: Rebels, Reformers and Radicals from the Bay State.
About Marian Pierre-Louis:
Marian Pierre-Louis is a professional genealogist and house historian who shares her love of New England history through her research, blogs and social media.
Copyright 2012-2022 Marian Pierre-Louis